Dec 26, 2010

2011 : The year of getting this done!!


Are you all planning big things for the 'New years eve'? Well, I'm not..reason 1, Mr. Hubby is not I'm not at all in any mood to celebrate anything...n reason 2, I'm spending all these days planning 'things-to-do' in 2011..

I've named 2011 as "The year of getting things done". Of course the things which are not making any progress since past few (?) months..

So this new year..i'm not going to make list of 'resolutions' ..but this time it will be like a long to-do list..n I'm gonna keep a diary where i'll keep track of progress that I make..n yeah..this time i'm going to concentrate on working on things that to talk about them..

So let 2011 be my year..
the year of finishing long-stuck things
the year of taking out the best in me
the year of working hard n harder
the year of talking less n lesser
the year full of new places n new adventure
the year full of love n laughter
the year jam packed with never seen fun
n yeah the year of getting things done!

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