Sep 26, 2012

I feel safe!

This came to my mind while getting ready for bed last night. Final check on the kitchen, locked the main door, set next day's alarm and finally came to bed. Why do I feel so secure in this house? Is it because I trust the lock? the building security? or 911? No. I feel safe because of the person I share this house with.

When I was little, I felt safe in my house because of my parents. My sister and I knew that our dad could take care of any trouble that might come and mom will be able to sooth us in any imaginable bad thing. The love, the warmth, the feeling of security was there in that house because of mom and dad. When I moved out for college, I lived in Hostel. It was the safest place in town. But never I slept like I used to in my home.

Then I moved again for my job, and again for another assignment. Came to US, discovered new places, met new people. I was all grown up and could take care of myself. The feeling of independence helped me sleep calmly at nights, but again, wasn't the same as my home.

And now, I'm married. Two years completed already. In the new relationship, managing each other’s moods, finding balances between our likes and dislikes, trying our best to keep each other happy, discovering the world with colorful love-full glasses, I never actually took a moment and thought where this relationship has taken me. I'm the same independent person. Moreover I'm able to take care of one more person now. But do I still feel the strange alertness every night?

Not anymore. Days and months passed by and I never realized when we made this apartment our 'home'. Though we are of same age, though we both miss our childhood homes, though we are equally mature yet equally naive, we gave each other something that we didn’t even realize. A sense of peace, stability and of course security. I sleep like a baby at nights knowing he is there to protect me and he sleeps peacefully on my account.

Guess, my mom dad too were not as strong as I thought. But the fact that they both were there for us, was enough for us to feel safe. Thank you Vishal for giving me my long missed childhood home back!