Why getting up and getting ready for work so difficult on Mondays?
In India, I used to get rotating weekly offs. So my 'Monday' sometimes used to be Friday or even Sunday. I used to wonder looking at those emails mocking "Monday Blues" jokes! For me, every-day at work was just the same! (I meant boring :P)
But now, since I've started getting weekends off, Monday seems to be saddest day of them all. Its the same office, same work, same people; but on Monday everything seems more dull and boring. Then like a good engineer, I (in my thought cloud) plotted the graph of weekend activities against extent of Monday-blues (yeah, too much Big Bang theory for me these days). So initially the curve represented sadder Mondays for more happening weekends. I was happy, I knew the answer.
But looking at the data from past couple of weeks, I see that even if I spend my weekend vacuuming or grocery shopping at Patel's, the Mondays keep getting more and more dull.
We have our data, we have initial hypothesis, we know expected results; so what left was action plan! After much brainstorming and discussions with offshore resources (friends, mommy dear, sister :)), I thought of this!!!
Spicy-delicious-fun food makes your Monday happy!
We had Paani-Puri today!! What did you have?

In India, I used to get rotating weekly offs. So my 'Monday' sometimes used to be Friday or even Sunday. I used to wonder looking at those emails mocking "Monday Blues" jokes! For me, every-day at work was just the same! (I meant boring :P)
But now, since I've started getting weekends off, Monday seems to be saddest day of them all. Its the same office, same work, same people; but on Monday everything seems more dull and boring. Then like a good engineer, I (in my thought cloud) plotted the graph of weekend activities against extent of Monday-blues (yeah, too much Big Bang theory for me these days). So initially the curve represented sadder Mondays for more happening weekends. I was happy, I knew the answer.
But looking at the data from past couple of weeks, I see that even if I spend my weekend vacuuming or grocery shopping at Patel's, the Mondays keep getting more and more dull.
We have our data, we have initial hypothesis, we know expected results; so what left was action plan! After much brainstorming and discussions with offshore resources (friends, mommy dear, sister :)), I thought of this!!!
Spicy-delicious-fun food makes your Monday happy!
We had Paani-Puri today!! What did you have?