Then I saw my pretty pink camera lying on the desk in front of me..I was dressed in my thought of having a lil photo-shoot of my few of my fav shoes..
Dec 26, 2010
Shutterbug in me!
Then I saw my pretty pink camera lying on the desk in front of me..I was dressed in my thought of having a lil photo-shoot of my few of my fav shoes..
2011 : The year of getting this done!!
Are you all planning big things for the 'New years eve'? Well, I'm not..reason 1, Mr. Hubby is not I'm not at all in any mood to celebrate anything...n reason 2, I'm spending all these days planning 'things-to-do' in 2011..
I've named 2011 as "The year of getting things done". Of course the things which are not making any progress since past few (?) months..
So this new year..i'm not going to make list of 'resolutions' ..but this time it will be like a long to-do list..n I'm gonna keep a diary where i'll keep track of progress that I make..n yeah..this time i'm going to concentrate on working on things that to talk about them..
So let 2011 be my year..
the year of finishing long-stuck things
the year of taking out the best in me
the year of working hard n harder
the year of talking less n lesser
the year full of new places n new adventure
the year full of love n laughter
the year jam packed with never seen fun
n yeah the year of getting things done!
Missing life.. :(
Baby, promise me that you'll come back soon..promise me that you'll never ever leave me alone..I'm lonely..I'm sad..I'm missing you my love...I'm missing the fun we had..
Nov 7, 2010
Kothimbir vadi / Coriander cutlets
Today we had a bowl full of coriander leaves to spare. So heres my 20 minutes Coriander cutlets (Kothimbir vadi in marathi).
Oct 19, 2010
Ganpati Bappa....Moryaaa!!!
Undoubtedly, Ganesh Festival is my most favorite festival of all. Not just because I get to meet my whole family and relish awesome modak treats, but also because Ganpati bappa is my favorite of all Gods! (Yes..being a Hindu, you get to choose your favorite god amongst 33 billions of isn't it??)
What is Ganpati festival without my dad's awesome decoration?! are a sweetheart! We love these decorations! We promise that we keep this tradition ongoing!
Aai, Rasika, Tupa, Omkar and Gopi..We are a Ganpati Mandal in ourselves!! Loved the gauri Pujan this year as my in laws visited us on the day of Satyanarayan Puja. Spiritual environment with loved ones..can this get any better?
Like all yesteryear's Ganpati days, this year's Ganeshotsav was also full of prayers and sweets and more prayers and more sweets! But waht made this Ganpati more special was my darling husbands company during all these holy days! Mr.Husband was very enthusiastic all the time and participated in all the Aartis actively.
Saddest part of the season...the immersion. We'll miss you bappa. Please keep your blessings on all of us and give us strength to worship you every year with all our hearts!
Universal acceptance...hummm
Remember I told you that I attended "Art of Living" workshop few months back? Was going through a pile of documents on the shelf the other day and found my booklet of AOL class. I don't know how I find things just when I badly need them. These coincidences or lets say omens make my belief of the "One unexplained source of life" stronger!!
So yeah..I found this booklet and started reading it. And I couldn't believe that I myself wrote it. The tiny booklet had answers to all my questions. Past month was very hectic. Not just at the work but also with our new married life. Mr.Husband has got new job and will be joining it next month. The idea of him not being there with me for 24 hours made me first sad n then cranky n finally angry with him. I couldn't tolerate the work pressure and increasing misunderstandings. And just when I thought enough is enough..I found key to the chest of happiness!! My AOL booklet!
The very first thing the Guru taught us in AOL is "Universal Acceptance". Like every other human being, my mood changes with respect to time, place, situation and company. Many times I get annoyed or even sad with people or circumstances which I know I can not change. So what should we do when we get into such situation? The question might be hard for us, however Guruji has very simple answer to all such problems - Accept everything around you!!
So what happens when you accept everything which could bother you? You don't be sad anymore. Your mind becomes calm and you get power to think about making the situation better. Accept people around you and you wont be jealous or unnecessarily competitive or feel less of yourself. Accept situations around you so that you wont feel helpless and clueless or lack of options. Accept whatever comes your way and find yourself peaceful all the time.
What if you are size 8? Accept it. Wear the cloths that suit you and be happy at THIS moment. Dont fool yourself by dreaming about being size 4 again and wearing that stunning LBD. Don't forget that you are missing the present in pursuit of false future. Accept who you are and be happy.
What if your loved ones don't act the way you want? Accept it. Only this way you will be closer to their hearts and see the pure love behind their actions. Don't let yourself get blind by the superficial behavior of people. Accept everyone and try to find out the reason behind their nature. You may get surprised to find how unique everyone is and how you can learn from their unique characteristics.
I have accepted everything around me now. Right from my weight to my nature and from my husband's nature to my family. Now I know that I look pretty being curvey and it's good to be little lazy. I also know that Mr.Husband is switching job just to give me better living and yes I know that theres nothing as special in the world as family!!
So accept everything that comes your way and let yourself be happy all the time!!
Jai Gurudev!!!
Sep 7, 2010
Don't lose your mind..lose your weight.. :)

Its the title of a book by famous dietitian Rujuta Diwekar. Don't ring any bells? She is the magician behind Kareena kapoor's sexy size zero figure, Anil Ambani's marathon spirit and Saif ali khan's hot in his 50s look.
Sep 3, 2010
Congratulations Stranger friend!
Hey..remember me.. :)
Jun 27, 2010
Planning season!

So what comes next after the engagement? You’ll say ..."The wedding ofcourse..silly!"..well no no no no no my friends, let me educate you..
What comes after engagement is - wedding preparations ..ta da!!!
There are zillions of things to do when you plan a wedding, but if you are planning a big fat Indian wedding...OMG..they are zillion raised to zillion (don’t do the math. its just an expression).
I thought from the start, that I will give my mom all the rights to choose sarees and jewelry for me (I cant tell you how happy she is to do all this!!), my dear sister Rasika will be my she approves (and rejects) what mom chooses. And then my dad will handle all the invitations and decorations and rest of the things. So in this plan, all I needed to do was to show up on the big day..wearing most pretty saree and looking at my best of course..
But looks like I was not thinking of the wedding ceremony as big (read humongous) as it actually is. After sneaking out of all the weddingy tasks mentioned above, I was still left with pile of things to do.
1. Help my beloved would-be hubby with his wedding shopping
2. Look for new place for us to live after the wedding
3. Plan our honeymoon.
And let me tell you, that there are tens of sub tasks and again sub-sub tasks to each of these bullets. If I'll start writing about everything in detail...well..lets just say..I won't.
So long story short...Let me just tell you the status of these action items..
On 27th June 2010, We are
1. Done with Vishal's shopping
2. Planned to look for new house when we return from our vacation
3. Finalized's
Jun 24, 2010
Happy Happy!!
May 18, 2010
Latest read

Here I am...after a long break :)
Feb 1, 2010
I Do!!
Why do we hesitate doing some things when we know that they are very good for us? For example..Exercise! Everybody knows that regular workout keeps you healthy and fresh, then why don't we do that? I am trying to find this answer since like forever (and also trying to start working out ;)) but I've still not found it.
Exercise is just one single things of my humongous "things-to-do-regularly" list. I honestly tell you that every year I carry a same list of "new-year-resolutions" and I have never followed even a single of them. The list keeps growing on and on. The same 'wont-bite-my-nails-ever-again' and 'drink-4-liters-of-water-every-day' and 'call-up-my-folks-every-day' things are there on my resolution list every year.
And on the contrary, why do we do some things religiously when we know that there’s nothing good coming out of it? Like watching TV like crazy.. or keep eating chocolate chip cookies one after the other? or find different ways to simply waste your time...
There’s very powerful thing called 'mind' which controls this! yeah yeah..we all know if-you-can-dream-it-you-can-do-it and mind-power fundas.. but lets just think..why cant we control our own mind? why do we need to push so hard to do a small thing against our will? If we can control all our actions (and many a times those of others too!), then why cant our own minds?
Probably because we spend more time thinking about the world than ourselves...or probably because we have lost the power to listen to our own voice in all the chaos..(or probably we are just lazy..true for me at least :S) We know that those who can control their minds are called saints and sages..but are they really different from us? Can’t a normal person like you and me control their own mind? when we think of changing the world and bringing a revolution..cant we start from changing ourselves?
We have to start some time..and for me..let the time be now!! (I had read in some self motivation or blah blah book..that if you make a public commitment, you tend to be honest with what you say and try with all your best to achieve it) So here I go...
I promise to myself that I am going to spend at least 2 hours of the day just with myself!
I promise that I'm going to do exercise every single day.
I promise that I'm going to take good care of my health.
I promise that I'm going to utilize my time in productive things.
I promise that I'm going to prepare for my GMAT everyday.
huff...feels light... (Or may be too heavy..that I need to do all these things everyday..than to recline on a sofa..watching 'friends' episodes n'th time.)
But yess..I'm going to do it!! And I'll definitely keep you posted about my progress!!
So till next time - Take care and have fun!!
Jan 30, 2010
My first blog post..finally!
It’s been a year since I've been thinking of writing down things that I see, feel and think J . Now the obvious question will be – why didn’t I do it? The answer is, My friends, “that my last year was so full of excitements and new things and great experiences and overwhelming incidents...that it’s hard to pen everything down!!”
He He.. Do you believe me? Then I guess you don’t know me so well..The only reason is laziness. This whole year, I’ve been too lazy to sit down and concentrate on my thoughts! But as some wise person has said “It’s never late to start a good thing”; here I am. Sharing some new happenings and some old stories!
I guess this is enough of prologue. Henceforth I’ll definitely (try to J ) be more prompt to share some exciting topics with you all.
Till next time – take care and have fun!